User can categorised their database using the features in Evenesis. User can insert the data with the same email into multiple groups.
In the module, the system will provide date created and number of contacts in each groups
To Add Group
To add groups you can follow these steps:
Click on the Create New Group button
Insert the Group Name and click Save
To Add Database into Group
There are 2 ways to add your contacts into the Groups:
Import Contacts by Excel
Go to Master List and Click Import Contacts
Download the excel template provided by clicking “here”
Click Choose File to upload the excel file.
Choose your Group
Click Upload
Note: System will verify the contacts (email address) user upload into the system. The process will take 15 minutes - 2 hours depending on your contacts. During email blast, only contacts with a valid email address will be available.
From Master List
Select you contacts by using the tick box beside the name. You can use the Search box to find your contacts by Name or Email. You also can use the Filter to filter the Master List by certain parameters; Event, Mobile Number or Group
Click the Action button
Choose Add to Group and a pop-up will appear on the screen.
Select your Group and Click Assign