-The feature will give Admin of the Evenesis account to control which event in the list can be seen by others team member
-The new feature also will impact the management of the Organiser Profile created in the Evenesis Account
-Each user account will have different view of the list of events in their Dashboard. It will be depending on the account roles
a. Admin:
- Able to see all the event created by the user in the organization
- Able to manage (add or remove) Organiser Profile created in the organization
b. Editor
- Will only be able to see events based on the Organiser Profile set under their account
- Will only be able to add Organiser Profile
- When creating an event, Editor will only be able to assign Organiser Profile has been set to the Editor account (by the Admin) and Organiser Profile that has been created by the Editor
Setting Up User Views
1. Create Organiser Profile
- First thing to do before creating a new team members, the Admin will need to create Organiser Profile.
- The editor will only see event that under that Organiser Profile
- When editor created a new Organiser Profile in the system, the profile will be automatically assigned to his account
2. Create the new team Member
- Assign the Organiser (Organiser) to the Editor account
- Admin can assign multiple Organiser (Organiser Profile) to a single Editor Account
- The Organiser list will be based on the Organiser Profile created in the Evenesis Account