The new system allows you to create access for your team. By default when you creating new user, the default password for their account will be their email address.

Do not that the new user will not receive any emails when the account is created.

To create new user, you can follow these steps:

1. At the Dashboard go to Team Management

2. Click Add Member

3. Enter their details. Not all fields are mandatory. Only First Name, Last Name and Email Address are mandatory

4. Assign their roles



- Will have the ability to create sub-user and assign email credit if necessary

- Have full-access to all module in Evenesis

- Can amend all the content created in Evenesis

- Will be able to view all events under the organisation



- Have full-access to all module in Evenesis

- Can amend all the content created in Evenesis

- Will only able to view event based on Organiser Profile (Event associated with the Organiser Profile) assigned to the account. 



- Have access to all module in Evenesis but the access is only for viewing purpose only

5. If you are creating account for Editor Role, do assigned the Organiser Profile to the account. Only event that are associated with Organiser Profile assigned to the account will be visible on the user dashboard.

6. Click Save